Create with Blueprint
Alina avatar
Written by Alina
Updated over a week ago

Crafting Your Next Viral Video with Blueprints

In the world of content creation, transitioning from a good idea to a great video can be seamless with the right tools at your disposal. Now, your "Create" dashboard transforms into a creative studio, offering blueprints that are customizable down to the finest detail. Here's how to bring your vision to life.

From Insight to Action

When you're ready to evolve an idea from concept to creation, click on any module where you see a pen icon alongside calls to action like “Create” or “Preview this Topic.” Doing so will introduce you to a blueprint—a framework meticulously crafted to guide your creativity.

Blueprint Customization

Please note, that generating additional Titles or Thumbnails, or accessing the Outline Tab, is only available on our paid plans. The free/Basic plan allows saving up to 3 blueprints at a time, whereas creators on a paid plan can save an unlimited number of blueprints.

Polishing Your Title

Title Customization: Start by clicking 'Edit' on the title presented to you. You can modify a title to refine it further, up to 100 characters, though our Optimize score recommends keeping it under 70 characters for the best outcomes.

Generate More Ideas: If the current titles don't align with your idea perfectly, the "Generate more" option generates additional titles based on a selected topic.

Topic Customization: Within the Title tab, you also have the opportunity to refine your blueprint's topic as well. Clicking on 'Customize' allows you to adjust the topic to better suit your vision, with a 100-character limit.

Crafting Your Thumbnail

The next step involves the thumbnail. Here, you can generate up to four thumbnails. Select “Generate More” to dive into various visual directions for your video's first impression.

Fleshing Out the Video Outline

The journey continues with the Outline section. This is where you can determine the length and type of your video, aligning with your content strategy. Customize your outline based on:

  • Duration: 3-5 minutes, 5-10 minutes, or more than 10 minutes.

  • Video Type: Basic outline (default) to specific formats like Let's Play, Review, News Updates, Listicle, Challenge, Storytelling, Documentary, Commentary, Tutorial, Entertainment, and Vlog.

After setting your preferences, click 'Regenerate' to refresh the outline to reflect your new parameters.


Every blueprint is a step towards a finalized video that captures your unique style and message. With the ability to customize and save at every stage, you maintain control over the creative process, ensuring that the final product is authentically yours. On the last Preview tab, you have the option to share your video blueprint or save it, if you haven’t done so already.

Embracing the Creative Flow with "Create"

With vidIQ's "Create", you're not just following a template—you're given a set of cutting-edge AI tools to construct a video that's as unique as your channel. Start with a blueprint, infuse it with your creativity, and watch as your ideas transform into engaging content that resonates with your audience.

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