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AI Title and Description Generators

A Comprehensive Guide to AI Title and Description Generator

Alina avatar
Written by Alina
Updated over a week ago

Want to improve your title and description but not sure how long it should be, what tags to include, and most importantly how to create an eye-catching title that viewers will want to click on? You have found the right tool! Our AI Title and Description Generators will help you with creating even better titles and descriptions.

Both tools are ideal for those who want to improve their existing titles and descriptions and also for those who are lacking ideas for their new videos. It’s used to help overcome writer's block and unlock creativity!

AI Title Generator

AI Title Generator credits depend on the plan:

  • Free plan users have 3 credits to use per month

  • Pro plan users have 10 credits to use per month

  • Boost and Coaching users have unlimited

You will find the AI Title Generator on your vidIQ extension when you upload a new video, edit an existing video, log into your web dashboard, and within your vidIQ mobile app.

On your vidIQ web dashboard

To access AI TItle Generator simply do title research without needing to upload a video:

On the vidIQ extension

The AI Title Generator will appear when you upload a new video or want to edit an existing one:

  1. Make sure you have your AI Assist on! This will automatically offer you title recommendations.

  2. Three title suggestions will be shown to choose from.

  3. You can also customize them to make your title's suggestions shorter, or longer, you can ask AI to add excitement, change tone, translate to a different language, or provide custom instruction.

  4. If you do not like the offered options, press the ‘Refresh’ icon, which will generate 3 new titles. Please note, that once you do that the previous titles will disappear.

Once you click on the title suggestion that you like, you can click on the "Use" button to replace it with a current title.

Within the vidIQ Mobile App

On the app to use AI Title Generator, you need to press on the ‘Optimize’ tab and open the video you want to edit.

Watch this video for a visual guide on how AI Title Generator works!

AI Description Generator

AI Description Generator credits depend on the plan:

  • Free users have 3 credits to use per month

  • Pro users have 10 credits to use per month

  • Boost and Coaching plan users have unlimited

You will find the AI Description Generator on your extension when you upload a new video or edit an existing one.

To generate the description you need to first add the title and then based on the title and video you are uploading the tool will give you a description to pick from.

  1. If you want to see other description recommendations press on the little arrow.

  2. If you do not like all 3 recommendations and you wish to see more options, press the ‘Refresh’ icon top right corner, which will generate 3 new descriptions.

    1. Note, that if you refresh to get 3 more descriptions the previous 3 will disappear.

  3. If you like the description, press ‘Insert’.

  4. To save all the descriptions you like on your external notes, use the ‘Copy’ option.

For the best result, have already title in place and some main keywords in the keyword section before moving on to the description generation. As this will improve the results.

Watch this video for a visual guide on how AI Description Generator works!

Best practices on how to use both tools

AI Title and Description Generators at this time are only optimized to work well for English inputs and might not perform as well with other languages. The tool will offer you results in other languages but they might not be as accurate.

Feel free to amend the provided title. Although you can leave them as they are as we provide you with titles that have a high chance to perform well, if you feel like slightly personalizing the title or description, please go ahead!

Should you use # and emojis in your titles and descriptions? No need to use #, the YouTube algorithm picks up keywords as they are, without #. Regarding emojis, you can learn more in this article: Emojis To Improve Titles and Descriptions 🐼 ➕ ✍ =💯 📈 ✅

We offer titles and descriptions that are rich in well-performing keywords but what you need to ensure regarding tags is to have one important tag in your title, description, and tag section! We call this Triple Keyword and you will find it on your SEO scorecard also.

If you're encountering an error message, such as"Oops, we are in trouble" try re-authenticating your channel to resolve the issue. If the error message persist, please reach out to Creator Support Team right away.

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